Get Cut!

    What kind of hair do you enjoy doing?

    Clipper cuts & anything fun & different

    What inspires you?

    My friends always inspire me to keep going & trying, and to not worry about being silly sometimes.

    What kind of music do you like?

    All kinds, but classic rock is my favorite


    are cool (especially the robots of steam powered giraffe)

    What is your alter ego name?

    Red Myrtle

    What flavor of ice-cream describes your personality?

    Marionberry cheesecake ice cream

    What is your super power?

    U easily remember the most random facts. I am a fan of fascinating but largely useless information.


    Reading, writing, watching anime & cosplaying on TikTok w/ friends

    When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

    Fire fighter or veterinarian

    Who’s your idol?

    My grandfather, he was always patient & calm but had a wicked sense of humor.

    Can I sit with you?


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